Using Future shine for Sealing
February 5, 2019Using Pledge Future Shine to seal your kits painted with Tamiya paint

For those of you that use Tamiya or any other type of acrylics, you know that sealing your work is going to be very hard and frustrating because there are not a lot of acrylic varnishes out there that will give your finish work different types of finishing, the more textures your work has, the more it looks “alive”, so after much testing and experimenting I decided to share my findings for everybody that uses acrylic paints and want their work to be even more “professional” like.
First test: Used Tamiya colors, but the ones that have a semi glossy finish, once dried I use to spray over Testors dullcoat, even after fine and lite sprays my results would be same, the sealer would eat the paint and I would have to redo the piece all over again.
Second test: Tamiya colors + Future shine dulled with tamiya flat base.
Even this left a somewhat shinny finish, and if I tried to add more flat to future, then it would dull my colors and also make it more white
So after many more tests I noticed and discovered how to get my dull finish.
I had 2 pieces painted and ready to try and dull them.
1 piece had already been sealed with future so it was very shinny
1 piece was not sealed with anything and had just been painted BUT this piece was painted with tamiya FLATColors
now for this I had to cross over to San Diego and go downtown to the only place that sold Galeria Matte Varnish (Thank got for tourist visas XD, I can’t get this stuff in Mexico unless I do it on the internet).
So my findings ended like this:
Spraying Galeria matte varnish over the piece sealed with future gave a very low (almost non noticible) glow or shine, which for the first time I like how it look, not to shiny, not to flat for the texture I wanted to give the piece.
Once I sprayed this over the piece that was only painted with flat colors, it dried and went completly dead flat! it didn’t even look like it was sealed at all, but of course it was 🙂
In conclusion:
Using semy glossy or glossy Tamiya (or any other paint) or having any other finishing that is not matte (either from the paint itself or from a glossy sealer, will leave you with a very low satin look like I mentioned above.
Using Tamiya FLAT colors will give you a dead flat if you use Galeria Matte Varnish.
And well if you want a very shinny look, you just add a couple of coats from future and voila.